Moving Forward

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Making It Fit

Have you ever watched a bird building a nest? Have you really seen the amount of effort it takes to get a large twig/stick through a small round hole? I have been watching this wren outside my office window for the past day. There is a twig that he/she picks up and charges towards the opening of his/her new nest. This bird is motivated beyond belief. The large stick obstructs the opening, yet this nest needs to be made. So the stick is dropped, pecked, jumped on until it is divided to allow it to slip through the opening. How creative!
So what is the lesson here for us humans? If in our own lives we have a priority to tackle, is it necessary to garner all our strength and every twig we have at our disposal to charge towards our impending goal? I think not. Taking a tip from the wren, would we not be wiser to divide the tasks, spread out the assignments, be creative and complete them all with ease? Our nests would still be built, our goals met... with a lot less struggle and stress.
This wren is making progress little by little, and so can YOU.