Moving Forward

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I continue to watch the wrens outside my office window and learn that they too have boundaries. Just about three feet higher into that dogwood tree, to the right of the wrens' nest/house, neatly nestled into the "V" of two branches is a robin's nest. I wondered if the two had met and what they might have said to one another. Today I got my answer. The female robin was more than just agitated looking down at the wren's house. She would swoop down and stomp her feet on top of their round solid gord haven. There was more than one fly by, for she clearly shook it and those little ones inside. Out would fly one of the startled adult wrens. This robin was making a statement, she wanted them out of her territory. Why? They both had made nests there, they had been watching each other in this process for the past month. Why now? Was it because the young were now hatched? Did she feel threatened?
What can we take from this metaphor. When we as adults feel threatened, what makes us react a certain way and why? Are we protecting something or someone that we love, or is it just instinct, jealousy, or spite? What can we learn from watching a neighbor, colleague or friend build their "nest?"
If we can remember that more than one can live in a tree, we should all be able to share space and live together. Our nests may be built differently, but it holds those precious commodities.
Who knows, you might go and visit on someones branch, share your own stories and find that you have quite a bit in common. So spread those wings and step out of your boundaries. Meet someone new and see what you learn from them.
