Moving Forward

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sallie Felton TALKS in an hour 8pm EST about her
36 yr marriage, how it has lasted through depression, how she lost her own voice being caregiver + how she changed it,
What it took to nurture + live tough times,
Step out of the box, risk shaking up your relationship for the better,
Succeed in controversy, build a stronger marriage/relationship
...TODAY 5pm PST/8pm EST
put SF0221SS in the discount box.
Awakened Relationships
Are you ready to have loving, passionate, connected relationships with your partner? With your child? Yourself? Want to learn how to be yourself and love it?
Sallie Felton
Mon., February 21st at 8pm EST
Start Where You Stand...Making Hard Choices
Sallie Felton is a radio show host, life coach, , hypnotherapist author, facilitator and inspirational speaker. Sallie’s popular radio show "A Fresh Start with Sallie Felton" hosts various guests and is designed to provide conscious raising topics to empower listeners. Sallie is the co-author of several books including the anthologies Stepping Stones To Success earlier this year with Deepak Chopra and other luminaries and now GPS For Success with Stephen Covey, John Gray, Les Brown and other great thought leaders.
• Come hear a first hand account of a marriage and how it has lasted for 36 years in the face of depression.
• What was it like for her to lose her own voice by being the consummate caregiver and how did she change her dance?
• You will learn what it took for this woman to nurture herself to live through the toughest of times?
• You will understand what it is to step out of the box and risk shaking up even your own relationship…only to improve it.
• Learn what it takes to succeed in the face of controversy to build a stronger marriage or relationship with a partner.

and much,much more. CHECK OUT THE FULL LINE UP HERE

I will be presenting on Wed February 21st at 5pm PST/8pm EST

The Awakened Relationships Teleseminar series is normally priced at $39, however, as a special guest of mine, we are offering you a VIP coupon that will give you the full $39 off the price of the seminar - so you receive all the speakers and their wisdom for FREE! REGISTER HERE & be sure to put SF0221SS in the discount box.

FREE VIP PASS from Sallie Felton w/this code: SF0221SS
I am so PASSIONATE about the content you will receive; I invite you to SHARE the VIP COUPON CODE with your Friends and Family.

Can't make any of these calls? No worry! We will have all the calls on replay for 24 hours after the event. However, if you know you want to have all these expert tips and tools at your fingertips in your audio library, you can have all 20 interviews plus over $600 in bonuses for only $127. Be certain you put in SF0221SS in the discount box because normally these recordings are $166 and until February 7th, with the discount code, you can have all this for only $127.
That's a $766 value for only $127. Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the free bonuses worth over $600, at absolutely no cost to you.

The content is brilliant and the price is excellent! You really don't want to miss this!
Go to and don't forget to put in the discount code SF0221SS

See you on the call…Sallie