a SINGLE DAILY ACTION. Is there something that you are procrasting with or find multiplying under your very eyes? Do you want to reduce it or eliminate it? Tried? Failed?
Well, I have just the answer and here are some tips:
1. Make a list of 10 items that you are procrasting on doing
2. Choose 1 of those items and make a commitment to yourself that you will undertake this chore each day.
3. Now that you have selected that SDA, let's strategize how you are going to go about doing this. I will use myself as an example. I hate filing, loathe it, but know that it must be done.
So what can I do to make it easier.
* Made a date with myself in my calendar to do this early in the morning
* I am picking the time I work best, early morning
* I pledge to keep this agreement with myself, one half more
* I am committing to do this for one week straight
* I will not be distracted, no phone, no looking at emails
What does it give me in return?
*Having done this now for one week, there has been a shift in my attitude.
*The clutter of a desk and papers all around made me less focused, therefore, becoming less productive or scattered on some days.
*By having a goal and some structure, I feel more rooted and alert. I need a clearer desk to work.
ice cream, walk on the beach, go to your favorite store, whatever it is for you.
Tip: Make your SDAs small. The key is to make it a success. When you have accomplished that one, go on to the will be amazed at what you can accomplish. You might be adding to your list, but you will also feel the reward of crossing off items on a very large TO DO list. Do a little bit each day, that is the gold at the end of the rainbow.